CINEMA 4D样条建模基础知识视频教程 1.47GB
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您需要了解有关CINEMA 4D中样条建模的所有信息我将学到什么?
您将学习如何在CINEMA 4D中使用生成器:挤出,细分曲面,车床,放样和扫描
您将学习如何使用CINEMA 4D中提供的样条曲线工具,函数和命令
在开始本课程之前,您应该在系统上安装CINEMA 4D Studio R19。但是,本课程还兼容R16,R17和R18版本。
您还应该具备CINEMA 4D的基本知识。
3D建模:CINEMA 4D课程中的样条建模基础知识使用CINEMA 4D中提供的样条基元,工具和函数教您样条建模技术。本课程首先向您介绍样条曲线基元,然后向您展示样条曲线创建工具的功能,例如草图,样条曲线平滑,样条曲线拱和钢笔工具。然后,课程将直接教您如何使用样条线,拉伸,扫描和车床加工来创建3D对象,以及如何使用网格菜单中提供的其他样条函数/工具/命令。本课程包括独立的动手练习,以磨练你的技能。此外,还有一些实际挑战可以帮助您评估您在课程中获得的知识。在本课程结束时,您将了解使用样条线创建3D模型的工具和技术。工作文件可用,以便您可以在整个课程中跟随我。问题:我对CINEMA 4D没有经验,这门课程适合我吗?
是。如果您是CINEMA 4D的绝对初学者,本课程的附录:绝对初学者内容部分提供了EPUB格式的两本电子书。我们建议您首先浏览这些ePub并按照内容进行,并包括5个动手练习; 开始使用CINEMA 4D。一旦你读完这两本电子书,从第2节开始课程并按顺序学习。我会定期为这门课程添加更多内容,所以请继续回来。注意:如果您想继续操作,则应在系统上安装CINEMA 4D Studio R19。但是,本课程还与CINEMA 4D的R16,R17和R18版本兼容。3D建模的显着特征:CINEMA 4D课程中的样条建模基础知识如下:
2小时的点播视频和21个讲座,用CINEMA 4D解释样条建模技术。
所有CINEMA 4D文件,图像和其他资源均可用。您可以在个人或商业作品中自由使用这些文件。
希望学习如何使用Cinema 4D
学生的学生想要在Cinema 4D
和任何想要学习CINEMA 4D的人
Everything you need to know about spline modeling in CINEMA 4DWhat Will I Learn?
You will learn about splines and splines primitives
You will learn how to use spline creation tools: Sketch Tool, Spline Smooth Tool, Spline Arch Tool, and Pen Tool
You will learn how to use generators in CINEMA 4D: Extrude, Subdivision Surface, Lathe, Loft, and Sweep
You will learn how to use splines tools, functions, and commands available in CINEMA 4D
You will learn how to create 3D objects using splines and generatorsRequirements
Before you start this course, you should have CINEMA 4D Studio R19 installed on your system. However, this course is also compatible with R16, R17, and R18 versions.
You should also have the basic knowledge of CINEMA 4D.
You should have desire to learn.
Willingness to be awesome.Description
The 3D Modeling: Spline Modeling Fundamentals in CINEMA 4D course teaches you the spline modeling techniques using the spline primitives, tools and functions available in CINEMA 4D. This course first introduces you to the splines primitives and then shows you the functioning of spline creation tools such as the Sketch, Spline Smooth, Spline Arch, and Pen tools. Then, course jumps right into teaching you how to create 3D objects using splines, extrusion, sweeping, and lathing, and how to work with the other spline functions/tools/commands available in Mesh menu.This course includes stand alone hands-on exercises to hone your skills. Also, there are practical challenges included that will help you to assess your knowledge gained in the course.By the end of this course, you will understand the tools and techniques available to you for creating 3D models using splines. The working files are available so that you can follow along with me throughout the lessons.Question: I have no-experience with CINEMA 4D, is this course is for me?
Yes. If you are an absolute beginner in CINEMA 4D, two eBooks in the EPUB format are provided in the Appendix: Content for Absolute Beginner section of this course. We recommend that you first go through these ePubs and follow the content and included 5 hands-on exercises; to get started with CINEMA 4D. once you finish reading these two eBooks, start the course from the Section 2 and follow the course in sequence.I’ll be regularly adding more content to this course so keep coming back.Note: If you want to follow along, you should have CINEMA 4D Studio R19 installed on your system. However, this course is also compatible with R16, R17, and R18 versions of CINEMA 4D.The salient features of the 3D Modeling: Spline Modeling Fundamentals in CINEMA 4D course are as follows:
2 hours of on-demand video with 21 lectures explaining spline modeling techniques with CINEMA 4D.
Splines and splines creation tools are explained.
Splines command and functions explained.
All Generator objects explained.
2 eBooks in the ePub format for absolute beginners.
All CINEMA 4D files, images, and other resources are available. You are free to use these files in your personal or commercial work.
Access to each tutorial’s initial and final states along with the resources used in the tutorial.
Includes stand alone hands-on exercises.and practical challenges to hone your skills.
Tech support direct from the author.
Who is the target audience?
Students who want to learn how to use Cinema 4D
Students who want to create 3D models in Cinema 4D
Digital artists
Motion graphics artists
Indie game developers
And anyone who wants to learn CINEMA 4D
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